The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 govern and guide our responsibilities to our staff, stakeholders and clients.
Our policy covers the following areas:
To prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health by managing the health and safety risks in the workplace.
Provide clear instructions / information, and adequate training, to ensure employees are competent to do their work.
Engage and consult with employees on day-to-day health and safety conditions.
Implement emergency procedures – evacuation in case of fire or other significant incidents.
Maintain safe and healthy working conditions, provide and maintain equipment and tools to effectively do the job, and ensure safe storage/use of all substances.
Sharp knives and chemical cleaning products are kept in a lockable cupboard accessed by and under staff supervision. To reduce the likelihood or incidents of use in self-harm, ingestion or as a weapon.
The outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) throughout the world has led to unprecedented measures being taken in social care services in order to meet the challenges we all face. Our priority is the safety of our staff and service users.
We are closely monitoring government guidance around COVID19, and will keep you updated on our response as a care / support provider, and employer as the situation progresses. Please continue to check this web page for the latest updates and changes to our services.
Service Users and their friends/family should continue to follow the latest Government and Public Health England guidance on coronavirus (COVID-19).
Official Government guidance for care providers and service users can be found in the Ministry of Housing, communities and Local Government document.
COVID19 Hygiene Packs
C2C provides all service users with a hygiene pack which includes a face mask, plastic gloves. mini hand sanitiser, tissues, and anti-bacterial hand wipes. The cleaning of the communal areas is increased daily and all staff / service users are updated via a C2C newsletter that gives the latest news from PHE on COVID19.
Registered General Nurse
C2C has a RGN who promotes the benefits of health and nutrition amongst our service users. In the event of ill health our RGN can guide staff on ascertaining the well-being of service users via temperature checks, administering of homely remedies and liaising with the health services.